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General Election of 8 February 2020


· Final Result · Full Count Details

National Summary

Ceann Comhairle: Seán O Fearghail Kildare South
Seats to Fill:159
Candidates:531(excluding Ceann Comhairle)
Total Votes:2,201,192   62.77%
Invalid Votes:17,703 0.80%
Valid Votes:2,183,489 62.26%

Sinn Féin button 535,573  24.53% 37 seats from 42 candidates in 38 constituencies
Fianna Fáil button* 484,315 22.18% 38 seats from 85 candidates in 39 constituencies
Fine Gael button 455,568 20.86% 35 seats from 82 candidates in 39 constituencies
Independents button 266,353 12.20% 19 seats from 128 candidates in 38 constituencies
Green button 155,695 7.13% 12 seats from 39 candidates in 39 constituencies
Labour button 95,582 4.38% 6 seats from 31 candidates in 31 constituencies
Social Democrats button 63,397 2.90% 6 seats from 20 candidates in 20 constituencies
Solidarity People Before Profit button 57,420 2.63% 5 seats from 37 candidates in 31 constituencies
Auntú button 41,575 1.90% 1 seat from 26 candidates in 26 constituencies
Independents 4 Change button 8,421 0.39% 1 seat from 4 candidates in 4 constituencies
Irish Freedom Party button 5,495 0.25% 11 candidates in 11 constituencies
Renua Ireland button 5,473 0.25% 11 candidates in 11 constituencies
National Party button 4,773 0.22% 10 candidates in 10 constituencies
Irish Democratic Party button 2,611 0.12% 1 candidate in 1 constituency
Workers' Party button 1,195 0.05% 4 candidates in 4 constituencies
United People button 43 0.00% 1 candidate in 1 constituency

Total 2,183,489 160 seats from 532 candidates in 39 constituencies

*including Ceann Comhairle, counted as a Fianna Fáil member
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