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Results Contents

Local Elections

2019 - 2014 - 2009 - 2004 - 1999 - 1991 - 1985 - 1979 - 1974 - 1967 - 1960 - 1955

General Elections

Dáil Éireann

2020 - 2016 - 2011 - 2007 - 2002 - 1997 - 1992 - 1989 - 1987 - 1982 Nov - 1982 Feb - 1981 - 1977 - 1973 - 1969 - 1965 - 1961 - 1957 - 1954 - 1951 - 1948 - 1944 - 1943 - 1938 - 1937 - 1933 - 1932 - 1927 Sep - 1927 Jun - 1923 - 1922 - 1921 - 1918

Seanad Éireann

2020 - 2016 - 2011 - 2007 - 2002 - 1997 - 1993 - 1989

Westminster (Northern Ireland)

2005 - 2001 - 1997 - 1992 - 1987 - 1983 - 1979 - 1974 October - 1974 February - 1970 - 1966 - 1964 - 1959 - 1955 - 1951 - 1950 - 1945 - 1935 - 1931 - 1929 - 1924 - 1923 - 1922 -

European Elections

Presidential Elections


Note on the "Status" field

Made Quota
the candidate was elected after achieving the quota
the candidate was elected on the last count without reaching the quota, or was elected unopposed
the candidate was deemed elected in the absence of sufficient candidates to hold a vote
The candidate was appointed to the position without election
Not elected
the candidate failed to be elected on the final count
No expenses*
the candidate failed to achieve one quarter of a quota by the time they were eliminated
Lost deposit*
the candidate failed to achieve one quarter of a quota by the time they were eliminated
*NB: no deposit was required for the 2002 General Election and subsequent elections, but candidates achieving at least one quarter of a quota received a contribution from the State towards their expenses
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