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Referendum of 16 October 1968
4th Amendment
Change in Voting System



This amendment was REJECTED

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Fourth Amendment of the Constitution Bill, 1968

Polling for the referendum took place on Wednesday 16 October 1968, between the hours of 9:00am and 9:00pm. A referendum on the formation of Dáil constituencies took place on the same day. The subject matter of the referendum was described as follows in the official polling card sent to each elector:

Green Ballot Paper

The Third Amendment of the Constitution Bill, 1968, proposes

  1. To substitute for the present system of voting at Dáil elections the "straight vote" system in single-member constituencies;
  2. To establish a Commission to determine constituencies, subject to the right of the Dáil to amend the constituencies as so determined; and
  3. To provide that whenever the Dáil is dissolved the outgoing Ceann Comhairle may be returned, without a contest, as a second deputy for a constituency chosen by him which consists of, or includes a part of, the constituency he represented before the dissolution.

(This statement was prescribed by the Referendum (Amendment) Act, 1968)

The total number of votes recorded in favour of the proposal was 423,496 and the total number of votes recorded against the proposal was 657,898. The proposal was not, therefore, approved by the people.

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