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Candidates by Party - 1997 Seanad Election

July 1997

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Fianna Fail

Party Website: http://www.fiannafail.ie/
 Constituency  Party   Candidate Photo Sex
Industrial and Commercial Panel Andrew Bridgett
Industrial and Commercial Panel Brendan Hughes
Industrial and Commercial Panel Brian O'Leary
Industrial and Commercial Panel Cieran Temple
Agricultural Panel Colm Hilliard
Cultural and Educational Panel Denis Lyons
Industrial and Commercial Panel Desmond McCarthy
Cultural and Educational Panel Frank Chambers
Cultural and Educational Panel Geraldine Feeney
Cultural and Educational Panel Henry Abbott
Labour Panel Jack Bourke
Industrial and Commercial Panel Jim Doolan
Cultural and Educational Panel John Hillery
Industrial and Commercial Panel John Reddington
Agricultural Panel Joseph Dunne
Agricultural Panel Kieran Phelan
Administrative Panel M J Nolan
Administrative Panel Margaret Forde
Administrative Panel Mary Kerrigan
Agricultural Panel Matt Caufield
Agricultural Panel Michael Begley
Industrial and Commercial Panel Michael Kennedy
Administrative Panel Michael Mulcahy
Industrial and Commercial Panel Micheál O'Donnell
Cultural and Educational Panel Noel Whelan
Agricultural Panel Paddy Foley
Labour Panel Paddy Banks
Industrial and Commercial Panel Peter Considine
Industrial and Commercial Panel Richard Conroy
Industrial and Commercial Panel Richard Murray
Agricultural Panel Seán O Fearghail
Administrative Panel Seán Byrne
Administrative Panel Seán Gilbride
Industrial and Commercial Panel Terry Leyden
Agricultural Panel Thomas Crosby
Agricultural Panel Tom Fitzgerald
Industrial and Commercial Panel Vivian Callaghan

Total Unsuccessful: 37

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