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previous next Local Elections: 27 June 1991
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Cluian Dolcáin
South Dublin County Council (Leinster)

3 Seats 11 Candidates 7 Counts
Electorate: 20,425 Quota: 1,887
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From Poll Position - An analysis of the 1991 Local Elections by Sean Donnelly:

This was the area where Minister Mary Harney had won a seat in 1985 with 2,098 first preference votes and so the big question was whether thr Progressive Democrats could retain her seat.

The Progressive Democrats put a newcomer to politics in the field - Colm Tyndall from Clondalkin - and the 26 year old put in a great campaign that resulted in 1,332 first preference votes (46 votes shy of topping the poll). He was duly elected on the 7th count, 507 votes ahead of the last remaining candidate. His first preference percentage was the highest attained by any Progressive Democrat in the country.

The Fianna Fail vote was down 20.4% on 1985 and with only 1.3 quotas it was obvious they would only win one seat. But the question was who would win it. Outgoing councillor Colm McGrath or newcomer Catherine Sherwin? Sherwin put in a fine performance and when eliminated on the penultimate count was just 57 votes behind McGrath. Her 56.5% transfer to McGrath on the final count ensured his election.

Therese Ridge of Fine Gael more than doubled her 1985 vote and easily retained her seat with the Fine Gael vote up 1%.

Going into this election the Left were very hopeful of winning a seat in this area and with 1.1 quotas on the first count there was every chance. But the vote was too evenly spread and their top candidate - Donna Conlan of the Workers' party - was well adrift by the end.

The Labour and Sinn Fein votes were down on 1985 and the Workers' Party vote increased 2.1%. The Greens, on their first outing, won 5.3% of the vote.

The electorate was up by 4,442 but the turnout was very low with a valid poll of only 36.9% (down 7.6% on 1985).

Click to see First Preference Votes Click for Count Details Click for Transfer Analysis Click for Party Details Click for biograhical details of candidates
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