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Candidates by Party - 1993 Seanad Election

January 1993

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Fianna Fail

Party Website: http://www.fiannafail.ie/
 Constituency  Party   Candidate Photo Sex
Industrial and Commercial Panel Andrew O'Rorke
Administrative Panel Anthony P Vesey
Agricultural Panel Billy Kelleher
Cultural and Educational Panel Breandan MacGearailt
Administrative Panel Camillus Glynn
Cultural and Educational Panel Denis O'Donovan*
Industrial and Commercial Panel Denis Lyons
Cultural and Educational Panel Dermot Fitzpatrick
Labour Panel Des A Hanafin*
Labour Panel Eddie Wade
Cultural and Educational Panel Finbarr Hanrahan
Cultural and Educational Panel Jack Bourke
Industrial and Commercial Panel Jeanette McDonnell
Industrial and Commercial Panel Jim Doolan
Industrial and Commercial Panel John Stafford
Labour Panel John Dennehy
Cultural and Educational Panel Labhras O Murchu
Administrative Panel Michael Lynch
Industrial and Commercial Panel Michael D Lawlor
Agricultural Panel Ned Ryan
Industrial and Commercial Panel Noel Brassil
Industrial and Commercial Panel Olga Bennett*
Cultural and Educational Panel Pat Finnegan
Agricultural Panel Peter Callanan
Industrial and Commercial Panel Richard Conroy*
Cultural and Educational Panel Seán Byrne*
Agricultural Panel Dr Seán McCarthy
Administrative Panel Terry Leyden
Agricultural Panel Tom Hussey*
Agricultural Panel Thomas Bourke
Administrative Panel G V Wright*
Cultural and Educational Panel Tony McKenna*
Administrative Panel Tras Honan*
Industrial and Commercial Panel Vivian O'Callaghan

Total Unsuccessful: 34

*outgoing Senator (9)
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